Dr. Trung Huynh: Teaching Portfolio
Dr. Trung Huynh (Aka. Thich Hang Dat)

  1. Curriculum Vitae.
  2. Letter of Application for the non-tenure-track instructional assistant professor in Religious Studies.
  3. Evidence of Effective Teaching.
  4. Statement of Teaching Philosophy.
  5. Teaching Responsibilities.
  6. Teaching Portfolio Structure.
  7. Names and contact information of three academic references.
  8. Faculty Development Plan.
  9. Supported Evidence of Effective Teaching-A:
    1. Appendix 1: Summary of Student Evaluation Means.
    2. Appendix 2: Student Emails.
  10. Materials Demonstrating Student Learning-A:
    1. Appendix 3: Sample of Student Grade Book Progress, Buddhist Course, Fall 2021.
    2. Appendix 4: Student Course Workload Estimator.
  11. Professional Presentation and Conference-A:
    1. Appendix 5: Buddhist Pedagogy Seminar, Call for Paper, 2022.
    2. Appendix 6: Vietnamese and Global Buddhist Studies Journal.
  12. Community Involvement-A:
    1. Appendix 7: My picture posted with Senator Mitch McConnell and his letters.
  13. Supported Evidence of Effective Teaching-B:
    1. Appendix 8: Student Evaluations by Classes.
    2. Appendix 9: UH Student Evaluation, 2015-2021.
    3. Appendix 10: Sample of Solicited Students’ Evaluation, Fall 2021.
  14. Materials Demonstrating Student Learning-B:
    1. Appendix 11: Sample of Classroom Activities, Kahoot test and report.
    2. Appendix 12: Sample of Online Group Discussions.
    3. Appendix 13: Sample of a Student Progress.
    4. Appendix 14: Sample of a Best Student Paper.
    5. Sample of a video clip about classroom activities.
  15. Documentation of Teaching Experiences:
    1. Appendix 15: Sample of Pre-assessment Test.
    2. Appendix 16: Samples of Syllabi.
    3. Appendix 17: Sample of A Syllabus and Its Tentative Schedule.
    4. Appendix 18: Samples of Rubrics.
    5. Appendix 19: Samples of Graded Papers.
    6. Appendix 20: Courses Taught at University of Houston.
    7. Appendix 21: Courses Taught at Indiana University (regional campuses).
    8. Sample of a Teaching Video clips.
  16. Professional Presentation and Conference-B:
    1. Appendix 22: Sample of a Buddhist Pedagogy Seminar Paper Information - AAR (American Academy of Religion).
    2. Samples of video clips about the invited presentation.
  17. Community Involvement-B:
    1. Appendix 23: Community Involvement and Advocate for Religious Equality in Kentucky.
    2. Sample of videos clips about community involvements.
  18. Interview, News and Miscellaneous Information:
    1. Appendix 24: Teaching News.
    2. Appendix 25: Interview from Southern Indiana Business magazine.